Preservation Housing Trust of Minnesota is a non-profit organization formed in 2021. Our mission is to preserve, restore, develop, stabilize and rehabilitate affordable housing solutions in the state of Minnesota.


Preservation Housing Trust of Minnesota is recognized as a public, non-profit charity organization by the Internal Revenue Service in compliance with Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 501(c)(3).


We focus on preserving existing affordable housing – in most situations, these properties are qualified recipients of Section 42 Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC).

Community Building

We will continue to foster strong and supportive communities, with an emphasis on access to education, transportation, and other supportive community services.

Board of Directors

Our board members are accomplished private businesspeople, long term affordable housing and healthcare executives, and formal executive level Federal HUD director level staff – all with long track records of non-profit and corporate leadership roles in the state of Minnesota.